Category Province Profiles
Mpumalanga (Zulu name for "the place where the sun rises") is a province in eastern South Africa, bordering the nations of Swaziland and Mozambique.
Free State
Category Province Profiles
The Free State is situated on a succession of flat grassy plains sprinkled with pastureland, resting on a general elevation of 3,800 feet only broken by the occ
Northern Cape
Category Province Profiles
The Northern Cape is South Africa's largest province, with desert landscapes, wildlife and gemstones. With Botswana, it shares Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Eastern Cape
Category Province Profiles
The Eastern Cape as a South African Province came into existence in 1994 and incorporated areas from the former Xhosa homelands of the Transkei and Ciskei,
Using fibre for more than just internet
Category News
"Not only can you use fibre as a traditional, uninterrupted connection to the internet, you can now use fibre to connect to your home and those around you."